Dаvid Vilia

Испания, Barcelona, 43 года
Dаvid Vilia из города Barcelona, Испания. Родился 03.12.1981 в год Петуха по китайскому гороскопу в городе Langreo, знак зодиака Стрелец. Сейчас Dаvid 43 года, женат. Биография Dаvid составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о среднем образовании, карьере, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (3).

Основная информация

Страна: Испания
Город: Barcelona
Место рождения: Langreo
Возраст: 43 года
Дата рождения: 3 декабря 1981
Знак зодиака: Стрелец
Семейное положение: состоит в браке

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

Музыка: I love nearly whole music, but more prefer club, refrain from enumerate performers!
Фильмы: The Main time I on drill and look the films of time no! We I and Havi prefer to go in clubs!
ТВ передачи: About football and auto!
Игры: Certainly football)
Книги: Plan on play)
Интересы: Football, football and once again once football
О себе: Whom I wanted to be, when was small? Certainly forward. Yes, девяткой. Not more, not less. I always clearly knew that want to play in football, and always wanted looks like Luis Enrike. Yes, indeed he was not an девяткой, exactly девяткой. But me he always liked. Not only therefore that he came out of Sportinga , and not because of his(its) beautiful quarries. He was not an idol for me, he was an example, that mirror, in which I constantly looked at oneself. I liked all, his(its) индивидуальность, that, as he fought in each match. He was very valuable example for imitation, and I address to him on length whole my quarries. From childhood I wanted to ram the goals, and I повезло I smog to play the forward. I paid attention to many forward, but always I had a special delight before Van Nistelroem. He liked me for that variety acceptance and facilities, which he владел. He was simple and terminated, full simultaneously. There was much players better it. Same Ronaldo though he was not very strong in blow by head. Van Nistelroy was an забивной player, he well played because of backs, knew how slyly to move, was quick. I saw him(it) in Manchester YUnayted . My first recollection about Snow leopard ? Hm, this exactly Snow leopard Ronaldo, Robsona and, certainly, Luis Enrike. That epoch Ronaldo was an гениальной, with that goal Kompostele and Valencia Else I litter cow tail Romario against Alikorty, and that pas, which has returned him Laudrup in Pamplone. [ Cow tail - a specific feint, under which player cost(stand)s the back to protector, checking ball by inner face of the foot, but then turns round on 180? with ball приклееным to leg to then powerfully and quickly knock. The Soccer player популяризовавшим this technology, was Romario, example became the feint, which he обыграл Alikortu in match against "Reala", which FK Barcelona has won with count 5-0. The Feint has got its name due to circular moving the tail, which does the cow to drive away the flies.] All this has formed the part my childhood while my father, miner from Asturii, and the whole my family brought up and formed me. Beside me nature all them, people of my borough, nature to fight the day for daytime for that, what want to reach. I повезло to have a work, much more pleasing, than beside my father. I adore the football, I like my profession, I do not want even to think about day, when me to come to leave her(it). This that simply terrifies me. I play each match, as the last. I know that I player, which it is necessary to run, fight, create the pressure If I ceased to press so, what do this presently if ceased to work and run, me here was not. Certain, I was not one, I presently. Such a my nature, this has allowed me to get before Snow leopards . And while in my leg will although some power, I shall work exactly so. I am enamoured in football, I consider itself sick, nearly as Havi. I am a review all that only can. Probably, even sometimes too much. I this likes, after all learn not only on drill. If look the football on television set, too learn the many thing beside others. The Litter I on all goal, which забил? Well certainly I was necessary time to think, but with handle and copy-book I their all have described. Including, on what floor this happened, and what command I their забил. Else more than beautiful goals, personally I always like to ram solving, important goals. In 90% events solve that will do, obeying instinct. You has no time to wait while three ideas will add in твою head. You come to accuracy one, here is and all, and will be enough. And you her(its) realize. If left well, well. If left bad, well that zh, it is necessary to continue. You never можешь to stop to посожалеть about than-that. The Soccer player gravely to defraud itself, you always know, when has played well, but when gave the bad match. You always must work on that to be improved.
Деятельность: If who does not know, I professional soccer player! Play for BARCELONA!
Владение языками: Español, Русский, English

Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: умеренные
Религия и мировоззрение: VWVtell lies In god
Отношение к алкоголю: резко негативное
Отношение к курению: резко негативное
Главное в людях: смелость и упорство
Главное в жизни: карьера и деньги
Любимые цитаты: What the trainer Pepa Gvardiola speaks! You will Not win do not eat the fill, but will lose are tired out with running about beside me on field and eat want)) but but my любимая "Due to "Barcelona" my daydreams become reality. This is a most main call in my lifes"
Источники вдохновения: Pepe Gvardiola and my father

Среднее образование

Pau Vila Испания, Barcelona

Работа и карьера

Main forward
2010 Испания, Barcelona

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Конч Константин, Беларусь, Копыль
Константин Конч
Беларусь, Копыль, 28 лет
Макаркин Александр, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Александр Макаркин
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, 29 лет
Lee Amy, США, Los Angeles
Amy Lee
США, Los Angeles

Справочная информация

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