Abdelaziz Tarekji

Аргентина, Buenos Aires, 44 года
Abdelaziz Tarekji из города Buenos Aires, Аргентина. Родился 06.12.1980 в год Обезъяны по китайскому гороскопу в городе lebanon, знак зодиака Стрелец. Сейчас Abdelaziz 44 года. Биография Abdelaziz составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (4).

Основная информация

Страна: Аргентина
Город: Buenos Aires
Место рождения: lebanon
Возраст: 44 года
Дата рождения: 6 декабря 1980
Знак зодиака: Стрелец
Семейное положение: неизвестно

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

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Интересы: Human Rights
О себе: Curriculum Vitae 1. Counselor: Dr. Abdelazez Tarekji 2. Date of birth: 06/12/1980 3. Residence place: Alberti - Buenos Aires / Argentina 4. Tel. Nos.: WhatsApp / Directly in Argentina +541158873778 5. Skype : abdelazez007 6. E-mail: [email protected] 7. Languages: Arabic / English / 8. Official website: www.a-tarakji.com 9. Former Assignments: • Vice-secretary General of the International Consolidation of Legal and human Foundations in the Middle East and North Africa, and Representative of the International Consolidation in Lebanon (2006-2008). • President General Director of the World Press Movement – Journalists without Frontiers International (2007-2008). • General Coordinator of the General Association for Strategic Researches, Studies and Informatics of the Social Observation and Human Intervention in Lebanon (Main Office in Morocco) (2006-2007) • Executive Director of the Palestinian Human Rights Foundation (Monitor) in Lebanon (2006-2009) • Regional Chairman of the Palestinian Human Rights Foundation (Monitor) (2009-2013). • Regional Director of the Palestinian Human Rights Foundation (Monitor) in the Middle East. (2013-2015). 10. Current Assignments: • Founder and Director General of the International Observatory to Monitor and Document Human Rights Violations. http://www.iov-monitor.org • Assistant Secretary General of the Euro-Arab Center for Human Rights and International Law (Norway) • In-charge of International Relations of the Euro-Arab Center for Human Rights and International Law for Human Affairs in the Middle East. • Dean of the Euro-Mediterranean Academy of Human Studies and Sciences / London. • General Commissioner for Civil Alliance for Human Rights in the State of Lebanon for the International Cooperation Affairs. • President of the Supreme Commission of the Free Palestinian without Frontiers in Palestine. • Consultant of the President of the World Organization against Extremism for Journalism and Editing Affairs (London). • International Network for Human Rights Monitoring. http://www.hr-monitor.org 11. Membership: • Member of the Arab Network for Human Rights Information (Egypt). • Member of the International Network for Freedom of opinion and Expression (Ifex) (Canada). • Member of the Analynd Euro-Mediterranean Network for Dialogue among Cultures (European Union). • Member of the Palestinian Human Rights Foundation (Monitor) • Member of the International Defense Organization (Denmark) • Member of the Euro-Arab Center for Human Rights and International Law (Norway) • Member of the Arab Coalition against Execution penalty (Egypt) • Member of the Arab Coalition for Darfur (Egypt) • Member of the Arab International Association for Translators and Linguistics (Egypt) • Member of the International organization against Extremism (Witnesses for Tolerance) (London) • Member of the International Coalition for the International Crime Tribunal • Member of the International Coalition for persecution of War Criminals (Icaos) • Member of the Union of the Arab Human Rights Defenders • Member of the Arab Inscribers Union • Member of the Palestinian Heritage Dar 12. Experiences: Activist and trainer in the domains of human rights and refugees; lecturer on the human international law and the general international law, and activist in the field of press and electronic media. 13. Professional doctorate holder in international law from the American University in Cairo. And an honorary doctorate in international law and human rights of the Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Studies and Humanities degree in Norway. 14. Scientific and legal training sessions: - A session on leadership bases and skills/ a number of sessions on observing, documentation and research in the domain of human rights.
Деятельность: President The International Observatory for Documentation of Human Rights Violations. Investigador en Violaciones Internacionales de Derechos Humanos باحث في الانتهاكات الدولية لحقوق الإنسان
Владение языками: English, Español, العربية

Жизненная позиция

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Главное в жизни:
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Любимые цитаты:
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Источники вдохновения:
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Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Панарина Ирина, Беларусь, Бобруйск
Ирина Панарина
Беларусь, Бобруйск
Семененко Наталья, Беларусь, Могилёв
Наталья Семененко
Беларусь, Могилёв, 30 лет
Панова Анна, Россия
Анна Панова
Россия, 28 лет

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