Margarita Svirko

Литва, Vilnius, день рождения 6 мая
Margarita Svirko из города Vilnius, Литва. Родилась 6 мая в городе Вильнюс, знак зодиака Телец. Семейное положение: не замужем. Биография Margarita составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (3).

Основная информация

Страна: Литва
Город: Vilnius
Место рождения: Вильнюс
скрыто или нет данных
Дата рождения: 6 мая
Знак зодиака: Телец
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не замужем

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

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Фильмы: Достучаться до небес, Гладиатор, Миллионер из трущоб, Красотка, Грязные танцы 1/2, Step Up 1/2, Breakin', Cruel Intentions, Брат1/2, Любовь и голуби, Леон, Покровские Ворота
ТВ передачи: Наша Раша, Камеди клаб, Miami Ink
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Интересы: Every person once in a while thinks about the meaning of life and death. I must say that this is a very difficult and very important question to think about. What is life? What is death? Where you can find an answer? Who can tell you the right answer? How to choose the right way in this life? How not to make a mistake? Of course, you can make life easy for yourself. Why should you struggle trying to find the answer to all these questions? Every morning you can just wake up, take a shower, have a breakfast, go to school, meet your friends, come back home, watch TV, and go to bed. That’s it. Did you really come to this world just to have breakfast and have fun every day? From my point of view, religion gives you an answer to all these questions and can explain you a lot of things in this world. People are very different. Speaking of religion I would like to divide people in 4 groups. First one- these people truly believe in God. They know that God exists and they are trying to live their life like God said. They truly understand that it’s very hard but this is the way it supposed to be. These people try to go to the church as often as they can. If they can not go to the services they are trying to pray at home. These people understand the purpose of confession and communion, they understand how important this is. They understand that the life is very difficult and usually unpredictable and it’s impossible to fight in this life without God’s help. As all people in the world these people suffer from different situations in life but they know they have to pray no matter how hard it is. They also of course fall into sin as we all do but they know-that only God can help them. The second type - these people usually just admit that God exists but they are usually trying not to go deep in this question and find out the answer. Why? I have to admit that we are all weak. We do a lot of sin every day. So for this type of people it’s hard to admit that they are sinful. If you admit you have to change yourself, you have to try to become a better person and this is very difficult. So, it’s just easier not to think about God. Usually this type of people think about God when they get a lot of pain, like somebody got very sick or died or something else had happened. They can not get help from anywhere else. That’s the point when people suddenly realize that God exists. This is actually the answer to the question like “Why do I have to suffer? Why do my kids have to suffer? Why?” God exists so that we can get all the answers to these questions. The third type – these people do not believe in God. They people usually like to say: “Prove to me that God exists and I’ll believe”. I call them materialists. The church and God does not exist to them. So they live their usual consumer life. The fourth group – these people know that God exists but they hate religion and God. A lot of bad things are happening because of these people, a lot of crime, suicide and so on. It’s terrible when these people get into contact with kids that do not know the true religion yet. That’s why it is very important for our kids’ safe future to teach the true religion in the schools and in the family. I have to say once again that we are all sinful, we do a lot of sin every day. Religion helps you to become a better person or at least not to get worse, it makes you think about future, it gives you faith when nobody is around, it makes you feel that you are not alone, it gives you love. And the main thing-it teaches you to love no matter what. If you are trying to survive in this world without love that means you are living your life without God. It’s probably possible to live the life without love but what’s the purpose of this life then?
О себе: Dance is my pulse, my heartbeat, my breathing. It's the rhythm of my life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.
Деятельность: Танцы, Рисование, Учёба
Владение языками:
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Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: умеренные
Религия и мировоззрение: Православие
Отношение к алкоголю:
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Отношение к курению:
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Главное в людях:
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Главное в жизни:
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Любимые цитаты: Лучше уж сразу сдохнуть,чем никогда никого не любя!!! И очень хочется руки на себя наложить, HO я буду жить!!! Именно так и никак иначе :) Это...это печально :) Это мелочи жизни :) Liubliu prosto smotret' kak ty smejeshsia,liubliu nazyvat tebia svoim solncem,liubliu prosto smotret' v tvoji glaza i lish' tebe magu skazat' ja liubliu tebiaaaaaaaaa!!! В жизни своей два солнца люблю, Пойду одному из них кофе сварю. Зайду на балкон, закурю сигарету, Чудесное утро, на улице лето. Птицы поют, листва шелестит, Музыка счастья повсюду звучит.
Источники вдохновения:
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Среднее образование

Vilniaus Vingio vidurinė mokykla (buv. 13)
начало обучения с 2000г.  -  выпуск 2007г.
Литва, Vilnius
Vilniaus Justino Vienožinskio dailės mokykla
начало обучения с 2005г.  -  выпуск 2011г.
Литва, Vilnius
Vilniaus Vasilijaus Kačialovo gimnazija (buv. 42-oji vid.)
начало обучения с 2007г.  -  выпуск 2010г.
Литва, Vilnius

Высшее образование

Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija (VTDKo), дата окончания: не указана
Факультет: Statybos fakultetas
Литва, Vilnius

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Федаравичюте Ингрида, Литва
Ингрида Федаравичюте
Литва, 32 года
Крачюс Валера, Литва, Vilnius
Валера Крачюс
Литва, Vilnius, 27 лет

Справочная информация

Сайт не несет ответственность за достоверность и полноту представленной здесь информации, которая целиком и полностью получена из публичного открытого источника.

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Sebeleva Margarita, Россия, Нижневартовск
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Margarita Khn
Россия, Златоуст
Bytik Margarita, Россия, Боровичи
Margarita Bytik
Россия, Боровичи
Mudraya Margarita, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Margarita Mudraya
Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Другие люди с фамилией «Svirko»

Svirko Alexander, Беларусь, Минск
Alexander Svirko
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Svirko Demons, Россия, Москва
Demons Svirko
Россия, Москва
Svirko Oleg, Беларусь, Минск
Oleg Svirko
Беларусь, Минск
Svirko Rostislav, Украина, Доброполье
Rostislav Svirko
Украина, Доброполье, 19 лет
Svirko Sasha, Беларусь, Минск
Sasha Svirko
Беларусь, Минск, 32 года
Svirko Steve, США, New York City
Steve Svirko
США, New York City, 30 лет
Svirko Tanya, Россия, Новодвинск
Tanya Svirko
Россия, Новодвинск, 35 лет
Svirko Vitalik, Беларусь, Минск
Vitalik Svirko
Беларусь, Минск, 38 лет