Payton Rae-Burrows (Clark)

США, Santa Clara, 27 лет
Payton Rae-Burrows из города Santa Clara, США. Фамилия до замужества - Clark. Родилась 22.10.1997 в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу в городе Southern California Minneapolis/Santa Cl, знак зодиака Весы. Сейчас Payton 27 лет. Биография Payton составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о родственниках, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (10).

Основная информация

Страна: США
Город: Santa Clara
Место рождения: Southern California Minneapolis/Santa Cl
Девичья фамилия: Clark
Возраст: 27 лет
Дата рождения: 22 октября 1997
Знак зодиака: Весы
Семейное положение: влюблёна

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

Музыка: -Red Box Harbor -The Weekend -One Direction -Tegan and Sara -Sleeping With Sirens -Secondhand Serenade -Of Monsters and Men -Flyleaf -Mayday Parade -Mumford and Sons -Nevershoutnever -Maroon 5 -The Civil Wars -Blue October -The After Party -Cocorosie Favorite Female Artists -MILEY CYRUS -DEMI LOVATO -Nicki Minaj Favorite Male Artists -ED SHEERAN -JUSTIN BIEBER -CODY SIMPSON -FRANK OCEAN -MAT MUSTO -BIG SEAN -Tyler, the Creator -Ryan Beatty -Kendrick Lamar -Kanye West -Joe Jonas -Drake
Фильмы: Favorite Movies -Narnia: Prince Caspian -Grease -Crossroads -Despicable Me
ТВ передачи: -FRIENDS -Adventure Time -Regular Show -Here Comes Honey Boo Boo -Call of the Wildman: Live Action!
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Интересы: THESE ARE ALL MY FAVORITE THINGS! Favorite Colors -Blue (preferably light blues and teals) -Any pastel colors (no pink) -For clothing, I love neutral colors (ex. base, brown, gray, cream) Favorite Food -TACOS -soup My idols -Miley Cyrus: She's just perfect, in everyway, she isn't afraid to show who she is and doesn't feel held back by everyone, and she isn't like anyone else. -Demi Lovato: She's gone through so much and pulls through it all. -Ke$ha: Yeah, I know you're thinking, "WHAT EW, WHY?" She isn't my idol because she loves to party and drink... She's my Idol because she's not afraid to show who she is, She's not fake, She isn't trying to be anyone, She doesn't give one single care, and does not pretend to be someone else in front of the Camera
О себе: I'm Acacia Brinley, my birthday is October 22, 1997. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts but a few months later moved to Indiana, which is where my entire extended family lives. Before pre-school I moved to Pennsylvania, I started Pre-school, Kindergarten, and began 1st grade there. Then half-way through first grade, I moved to Southern California because my dad got a job at Disney engineering office. I moved a couple times around SoCal. Then, the summer before 5th grade, I moved to Georgia for about 4 months but my family didn't feel like it was home, so we moved back to the LA area. At the end of 8th grade, I decided to move to Minnesota. At the time, my dad was working there so it wasn't a problem. I lived with my dad for a little over 2 months but I just couldn't take being away from my sunny SoCal. So I moved back and finished middle school. I currently still live in the LA area and I'm never going to move away again, I belong here. Over all these years, I've gone to 15 schools, including Pre-K. I've met many great people and lived in very diverse locations, which all helped shape who I am today. I first got interested in singing when I was almost 2 years old. I was head over heels for Britney Spears, I started singing her songs before I could complete sentences or even say very much. She was my inspiration to become a pop star. Then when I got older, like 7-8 years old, my dad would carry a camera wherever he went. I'd always be ready for photos or to put on a performance. My dream of being a popstar started to fade and I decided I was going to be model. Actually, when I was a toddler I was about to be the face a major clothing company. It was between me and this other little girl. Unfortunately, I didn't get it because the clothes were too small for my lanky, long body. Later, when I was starting 1st grade, my eldest brother, Peyton, got a role in the high school play when he was still in Elementary school. The highschool put on "Annie Get Your Gun" and he played the role of the youngest brother which was one of the main characters. After he was in that, I got really interested in acting. I wanted to be just like him at that time. Playing a character and dressing up seemed like a lot of fun to me. Peyton become a actor and model when we first moved to Southern California. I slowly started to follow in my big brother's foot steps when I was around 11. I got an agent and my parents were my mangers. First big modeling job, I did was for You Rock Guitar. Then, kept working and working. I also started to theater. I did the Passion Play/Easter Play for 4 years. I was also in a play called "HONK" It's the story of the Ugly Duckling. My favorite play that I was in was "Oliver" based off the book "Oliver Twist". After those, I realized Theater was fun, but it wasn't me. My family started a singing/performance group called Vocal Variations in 2010. We covered popular songs and traveled California, Arizona, and Nevada performing at places like Carnivals and Festivals. The group was not made to go far in the industry but just to give us practice of performing infront of crowds on stage. We recorded a Christmas Album in 2010 and in 2011 we recorded our first original Album called "Where's Mark?" I wasn't on it much because back then I wasn't the best singer... But I did get the experience of recording in a studio. V2 (Vocal Variations) went on for 3 years. We had from 3-24 members at a time. People came and went. We had about 65 different people join and leave V2. If I was never apart of this group my voice wouldn't have improved as much as it has. During this time, I als went on auditions and attended acting classes. All the time. In 7th grade, decided to create a Tumblr because I was being bullied at school and I felt no one in my family noticed my existence. Tumblr was my place
Деятельность: site-model
Владение языками: English, Español

Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: индифферентные
Религия и мировоззрение: \
Отношение к алкоголю: нейтральное
Отношение к курению: нейтральное
Главное в людях: юмор и жизнелюбие
Главное в жизни: развлечения и отдых
Любимые цитаты: k im going now cuz your scarying me ahah :3
Источники вдохновения:
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ИмяСтепень родстваДата рождения
Keegan Clark брат/сестра
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Maleia Clark брат/сестра
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Michelle Clark отец/мать
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Peyton Clark брат/сестра
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Richard Clark отец/мать
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Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Cansal Demet, Казахстан, Астана
Demet Cansal
Казахстан, Астана, 104 года
Smith Eduard, Израиль
Eduard Smith
Herd Jason, Великобритания, Leeds
Jason Herd
Великобритания, Leeds
Forbes Caroline, США, Mystic
Caroline Forbes
США, Mystic, 37 лет
Романова Дарья, Беларусь, Гродно
Дарья Романова
Беларусь, Гродно, 28 лет
Багирова Алиса, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Алиса Багирова
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Сабчук Татьяна, Украина
Татьяна Сабчук
Украина, 27 лет
Знатоков Эдик, Россия
Эдик Знатоков
Россия, 39 лет

Справочная информация

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Moormeier Payton, США, Los Angeles
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