Alan Petzold

США, Saint Petersburg, день рождения 28 марта
Alan Petzold из города Saint Petersburg, США. Родился 28 марта в городе St. Petersburg Florida, знак зодиака Овен. Семейное положение: не женат. Биография Alan составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о среднем образовании, карьере, родственниках, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (5).

Основная информация

Страна: США
Город: Saint Petersburg
Место рождения: St. Petersburg Florida
скрыто или нет данных
Дата рождения: 28 марта
Знак зодиака: Овен
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Место жительства


Участие в рейтингах

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Интересы и увлечения

Музыка: Ева Павлова – Give In To Me (M. Jackson cover) 2011 Ева Павлова – Стану Рифмой (2011_В моём Эдеме) Ева Павлова – Mi Scusi ( Ева Павлова – Give In To Me (M. Jackson cover) 2011 Follow Me, & all 007 Music Themes and Tina Turner Privet Dancer and most 50's 60's 70's & 80's also, Motown Hits and finally Disco Music.
Фильмы: 007 Movies Going to the beach for Sunset or Mid-Night walks and ice cream. I DO NOT watch sports on TV. I do like watching a DVD at home Going to the Movies OR just plain NAKED in the Jacuzzi with Wine. I do NOT Smoke
ТВ передачи: I really enjoy jet skiing, swimming. Like to watch Sex Thrillers. Numb3rs, Leverage, Two and Half Men, 60 Minutes, Boston Legal, Shark, Suites, Jay Leno & David Letterman are some TV Shows I enjoy. Concerts, 50s, 60s, 70s, and Disco, but I prefer to Dance and Outside dinning too
Игры: I am NOT a Card Player. I do like Clearwater Beach, St. Pete Beach. New Orleans, Naples, as there is Music everywhere! Also LoVe the Russian Club in St. Pete Beach, FL. (Love that SaX) on the streets and drinking while walking seeing the Shops & Clubs
Книги: Business Week. CFO, PC Mag, The Robb Report, Hovers, and Inc. Novels: I enjoy Harold Robbins, Sidney Sheldon, Robin Cook, and Jackie Collins. History, SAME in DvDs. ONLY read the BiZ section of Newspapers. Mainly Monday. News internet. Is Great Gets YOU the REAL TrUTH!!!
Интересы: Where the Clash of Ideas IS the Sound of FREEdom. And in this case the Sound of Positive Music. This Crowd Funding Program is Truly the NEW Dream of True Entrepreneurship. See all the interesting projects. Its TiME that We the People get involved. Support these wonderful Dreams that the Damn Banks will NOT even consider. It is time to fight and get our Liberties & Freedoms back!!! That's why I am NOW here and have come into this Picture. I do hope that YOU the People will join me in this Conquest of Dreaming the Dreams. Supporting them as well. Thanks I had started a Sweepstakes BiZ. InterNET Cafes./ Sweepstakes RooMs. THiS has allowed me to LooK into other Businesses. But the Government in Florida has now shut this industry down. We all lost OUR businesses. The People are up in arms about this. Later in the courts we shall see... NOW A New Door has OPENED... NOW we are the Music Makers and Dreamer of Dreams!!! As a concerned Citizen of this Great Country I have Been Seeking Out the Real TRuTHS. And believe me it is NOT Correctly Taught in OUR School Systems. Including in our Government, and Judicial Systems, Let along in OUR Political System. Remember 1776!!! We MUST Speak OUT.!!! Or we will lose our GOD Given Liberties and human rights. WaKE UP America is the NEW Cry... To inform "We The People". God Bless.... Start NOW by getting involved. Support these Wonderful Great Dreams of Dreamers!!! Together We The People can conquer the roadblocks that institutions and governments put in our path to goodness and our prosperity. Music MOVES Ones Mind!!! Let it move yours by pledging to these great causes. Crowd Funding is now the NEW Peoples Voice of action!!! Thanks Alan Petzold
О себе: Heres SMILING at you!!! NOW I am involved as an Activist. OUR Country / USA is going into the Shitter. We need to SToP that NOW!! See Videos on infoSeeker007 See how our Government is being played (manipulated) by the International Banksters which in turn falls upon us Citizens of this Great Country!! We need to SToP this from happening NoW!!! See the The solution is Simple and it is Explained in this 3.5 hour Video. The answer is there!!! We NEED to take back control of our MONEY. We need to PRINT OUR own Bank Notes!!! This is what President Kennedy wanted it for us. We NEED to CALL FOR Executive Order 11110 which gives the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver!!! We just need our voices to be heard!!! Get involved NoW!!! I NOW am involved in the Sweepstakes BiZ!!!! Also this new to me Crowd Funding!!! YES this is the new way of raising capital for project that you love to do. This is the NEW American Dream. On the Social LeVeL: I have somewhat of an interest in a Concert BiZ. Mainly more for fun and to Meet some of these Original Artists. 50's , 60's, 70's, Jazz, Motown, etc. What I am seeking at this point in my LIFE is for a woman, with a great sense of Humor, Intelligence and Thoughtfulness. Also, part Activist!!! SHE need to be of a creative type person. Stimulating Conversation IS the FoRePLaY of INTELLIGENCE!!! I will make YOU Laugh : ^ ) and WE can dance the night away… One of my BAD traits is that I am fashionably late. No I am NOT Greek. Also, I am not a morning person. BUt I like to get some in the morning. I love to go unDeRWaTer SwiMMing, And Jet Skiing. I have a HEART of Gold towards OTHERS, Especially kids and the elderly. I have a unique way of ViEWING the WoRLD as I think OUT of the BOX! After all, I am an ARIES!!! At this POINT in TIME of AGE... I am not in a RUSH to get to a destination... I prefer to EnJOY the COMPANY I am with more… People are Individuals of all Flavors. The more flavors you enjoy, the more diverse the persons will become. I treat them all with respect, good or indifferent, old or young. As they are our brothers and sisters in this Circle of Life!!! Alan infoSeeker007 SEE My Videos on
Деятельность: DeaL MaKer!! Start-Ups, Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who create Cash-Flow. Who create a Market. Who create Employment for others!! Where the Clash of Ideas IS the Sound of FREEdom. That's where I come into the Picture
Владение языками: English

Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: либертарианские
Религия и мировоззрение: Catholicism
Отношение к алкоголю: компромиссное
Отношение к курению: негативное
Главное в людях: ум и креативность
Главное в жизни: саморазвитие
Любимые цитаты: The Clash of Ideas IS the Sound of Freedom!!!!!! Confucius SAY: Man Who Eat Jelly Beans SHiT in TechniColor... THiNKing : Where all men THiNK alike, no one THiNKS very much. - Walter Lippman
Источники вдохновения: Positive Persons & Human Kindness


ИмяСтепень родстваДата рождения
Jarrett сын/дочь
скрыто или нет данных

Среднее образование

Parkville High School
выпуск 1974г.
США, Baltimore

Работа и карьера

ECC / Evolving Consultants Corp
2013  -  2016 США, Saint Petersburg
Evolving Coal Corp / ECC
2015 США, Saint Petersburg

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Павлова Ева, Казахстан, Астана
Ева Павлова
Казахстан, Астана
Цыбульская Лёля, Россия, Псков
Лёля Цыбульская
Россия, Псков
Тор Екатерина, Украина, Одесса
Екатерина Тор
Украина, Одесса
Seletskij Aleksej, Украина, Киев
Aleksej Seletskij
Украина, Киев, 77 лет

Справочная информация

Сайт не несет ответственность за достоверность и полноту представленной здесь информации, которая целиком и полностью получена из публичного открытого источника.

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Другие люди по имени «Alan»

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Казахстан, Караганда
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Alan Uilson
Россия, Сланцы, 25 лет
Alan Alan
Россия, Москва, 33 года
Kuriv Alan, Бразилия, São Paulo
Alan Kuriv
Бразилия, São Paulo, 32 года
Matin Alan, Мексика, México
Alan Matin
Мексика, México, 27 лет
Cruz Alan, Мексика, Naucalpan de Juárez
Alan Cruz
Мексика, Naucalpan de Juárez
Wilder Alan, Россия, Москва
Alan Wilder
Россия, Москва
Matts Alan, Великобритания, Brighton
Alan Matts
Великобритания, Brighton, 26 лет
Smithee Alan, США, Sunrise
Alan Smithee
США, Sunrise

Другие люди с фамилией «Petzold»

Petzold Aleksandra, Германия, Wetter
Aleksandra Petzold
Германия, Wetter
Petzold Dorothy, США, New York City
Dorothy Petzold
США, New York City, 28 лет
Maria Petzold
Германия, Hamburg, 29 лет