Lexter Official

Lexter Official из города Barcelona, Испания. Родной город - Barcelona. Биография Lexter составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о карьере, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (2).

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Страна: Испания
Город: Barcelona
Место рождения: Barcelona
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Семейное положение: неизвестно

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О себе: www.lexterofficial.com
Деятельность: Lexter spent the first few years of his life in Oxford. His parents returned to his fathers’ place of birth St. Vincent, when they returned to England . Lexter grew up in a place called New Marston, Oxford . Where he learnt to play the guitar and was quite an accomplished dancer. If it were not for an accident on a half built housing estate Lester would probably be still dancing. As an adolescent Lester impersonated Michael Jackson not only with his looks but also his dance styles and vocals, the impersonations were that good audiences believed they were actually watching Michael himself. Lexter spent a few years in Cork, Ireland working/Managing a place called Tin Pan Louie’s. Lester has always sung however I believe it became more prominent whilst he was in Ireland somewhere ©. Singing UB40 tunes and old reggae. Lexter went to Barcelona finding his way but moved permanently as an entrepreneur. Then Lexter spent 5 years performing at the Golden Rock Café where formed 2 groups 1st. 4-2-1 who sung others music and secondly La Huella who played live gigs around Barcelona. Lexter then formed the successful Blue 4 U reaching the very known hits: “Livin in Jam” this went to number 3 in the Spanish charts or “Happy World” that went to number 1. Lexter released the following solo projects before his first solo album; “It’s Not Unusual”, “Sweet Sensation”, “We Can Share It”, “See The trouble” and “Always On My Mind”. His own album “Unbroken” also produced some hits such as “Jump, Jump!” or “Ain’t No Love”. Nowadays Lex is trying a new style of music that involves three different styles (pop, dance & reggae). You can appreciate it in his hit single “Freedom to Love”.“Freedom to Love” has been a great international success. The single was licensed in more than 20 countries from Japan to U.S.A.The Best Song of the Year 2008” in Romania by the prestigious Music Control. Also “Freedom To Love” was the chosen music by Sony Ericsson Mexico 09 campaign. And like Lexter has us accustomed to the good songs, in October 2008 was edited “Peace & Love”. The new single follows the stela left for “Freedom to Love”. In a few days the videoclip is available and Lex will begin the international promotion of “Peace & Love”. Nowadays Lexter is at the studio recording and finishing the new album that will see the light in September 2009. Fourteen great songs, including the singles “Freedom to Love” and “Peace & Love” and where Lexter will show us his wide musical universe and influences. And we hope the songs can get into the heart, body and soul of the fans. This album will demonstrate and confirm that Lexter is an international super artist and composer, even where he’s not known. Lexter always has been considered an “animal of stage”. Is exactly there and with his fans where Lex feels really happy. He does not conceive singing if it’s not on live voice and he would be performing hours and hours. His domain and vocal power, feeling, passion and connection with the fans, makes Lexter performances an unforgettable moment. As happened in his last performances in Russia, Spain, Brazil, Romania, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Ukraine, Syria, Malta, Belarus etc.
Владение языками: Русский, English, Español

Жизненная позиция

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Работа и карьера

Испания, Barcelona

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Полоневский Андрей, Беларусь, Минск
Андрей Полоневский
Беларусь, Минск, 44 года
Шарипова Карина, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Карина Шарипова
Россия, Санкт-Петербург

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