Барак Обама

Страна и город проживания Барака Обамы не определены. Родился 23.10.1985 в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу в городе Washington City, знак зодиака Скорпион. Сейчас Бараку 39 лет. Биография Барака составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (1).

Основная информация

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Город: Washington, D.C.
Место рождения: Washington City
Возраст: 39 лет
Дата рождения: 23 октября 1985
Знак зодиака: Скорпион
Семейное положение: неизвестно

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

Музыка: Each of these levels of language, save standard usage, is more common in speech than in writing, and slang as a whole is no exception. Thus, very few slang words and expressions <...> appear in standard dictionaries. American slang tries for a quick, personal mode of speech. It comes mostly from cant, jargon, and argot words and expressions whose popularity has increased until a large number of the general public uses or understands them. Much of this slang retains a basic characteristic of its origin: it is fully intelligible only to initiates. (From "Preface" by S. Flexner. Dictionary of American slang)
Фильмы: large number of words listed as antonyms fall into two well-known logical categories, those of contradictory terms (or contradictories) and contrary terms (or contraries). (1) Contradictory terms are so opposed to each other that they are mutually exclusive and admit no possibility between them. If either is true, the other must be false; if either is false, the other must be true. Examples:— A thing is either perfect or imperfect: no matter how slight or how extensive the imperfection, the fact remains that the thing cannot be called perfect if any flaw, blemish, or defect exists. If a person is asked for his opinion, he may agree with that of others, or he may disagree, or differ: it is unimportant whether the disagreement is radical or superficial or the difference concerns a major or a very minor point: he cannot be said to agree
ТВ передачи: Contrary terms are so opposed in meaning that the language admits no greater divergence. They are the true "diametrical opposites". But they must be of or must apply to things of the same genus or fundamental kind. Thus, white and black represent the extremes in color, the former, as popularly understood, implying the absorption of all colors and the latter implying the privation of every vestige of color. Prodigal and parsimonious represent extremes in expenditure (chiefly of money), but prodigal implies excessive extravagance and parsimonious excessive frugality. Superiority and inferiority represent extremes judged by a standard of what is good. Between these extremes represented by each of these pairs of examples, there are many words which may more truly describe or designate the person or thing in question. Other classes are the following:
Игры: An important class of words sometimes listed in antonymies may be called for want of a better name reverse terms: these comprise adjectives or adverbs which signify a quality or verbs or nouns which signify an act or state that reverse or undo the quality, act, or state of the other. Although they are neither contradictory nor contrary terms, they present a clear opposition. Their addition is usually justified in this way: if the antonym of admit is reject, what shall we do with eject which implies not the negative, but the reverse of admit?: if the antonym of destructive is harmless, must we ignore constructive, which goes further and implies either the reverse or the undoing of destructive? Many words of the reverse type are often equal in value, sometimes they are even stronger than the first
Книги: Many words are listed as antonyms that normally appear in pairs. Some are what the logicians calls relative terms, pairs of words which indicate such a relationship that one of them cannot be used without suggesting the other; as parent and child, husband and wife, predecessor and successor, employee and employer. Others are complementary terms involving, usually, a reciprocal relation or the incompleteness of one unless the other follows: as, question and answer, attack and defend, stimulus and response
Интересы: Dialects are words, idioms, pronunciations, and speech habits peculiar to specific geographical locations. A dialecticism is a regionalism or localism. In popular use "dialect" has come to mean the words, foreign accents, or speech patterns associated with any ethnic group. In Southern dialect one might say: Cousin, у'all talk mighty fine. In ethnic-immigrant "dialects" one might say: Paisano, you speak good the English, or Landsman, your English is plenty all right already. Cant, jargon and argot are the words and expressions peculiar to special segments of the population. Cant is the conversational, familiar idiom used and generally understood only by members of a specific occupation, trade, profession, sect, age group, class, interest group, or other sub-group of our culture. Jargon is the technical or even secret vocabulary of such a sub-group; jargon is "shop talk". Argot is both the cant and the jargon of any professional criminal group. In such usages one might say, respectively: <...> the tone of your transmission is good; You are free of anxieties related to interpersonal communication; or Duchess, let's have a bowl of chalk. Slang is generally defined above. In slang one might say: Buster, your line is the cat's pajames, or Doll, you come on with the straight jazz, real cool like
О себе: The last class of so-called antonyms is very inclusive. Words in this class might be called "loosely contrasted terms", since, when they are presented side by side with the word of which they are given as antonyms, they never fully clash but show a difference in only a small part of their meaning (as, abstruse and superficial, frank and hypocritical, vigilant and careless). For the sake of uniformity, however, we will call them incompatibles for they usually cannot both at the same time be said of or applied to the same person or thing...
Деятельность: American slang, as used in the title of this dictionary, is the body of words and expressions frequently used by or intelligible to a rather large portion of the general American public, but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority. No word can be called slang simply because of its etymological history; its source, its spelling, and its meaning in a larger sense do not make it slang. Slang is best defined by a dictionary that points out who uses slang and what "flavor" it conveys. <...> The English language has several levels of vocabulary: Standard usage comprises those words and expressions used, understood, and accepted by a majority of our citizens under any circumstances or degree of formality. Such words are well defined and their most accepted spelling and pronunciations are given in our standard dictionaries. In standard speech one might say: Sir, you speak English well. Colloquialisms are familiar words and idioms used in informal speech and writing, but not considered explicit or formal enough for polite conversation or business correspondence. Unlike slang, however, colloquialisms are used and understood by nearly everyone in the United States. The use of slang conveys the suggestion that the speaker and the listener enjoy a special "fraternity", but the use of colloquialisms emphasizes only the informality and familiarity of a general social situation. Almost all idiomatic expressions, for example, could be labeled colloquial. Colloquially, one might say: Friend, you talk plain and hit the nail right on the head
Владение языками:
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Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: ультраконсервативные
Религия и мировоззрение: Светский гуманизм
Отношение к алкоголю:
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Отношение к курению:
скрыто или нет данных
Главное в людях:
скрыто или нет данных
Главное в жизни:
скрыто или нет данных
Любимые цитаты: There is still a class of words listed as antonyms, which are neither contradictories nor contraries, nor reverse terms, which do, however, present a sharp contrast — for example, such pairs as rich and destitute, dry and moist, and keep and abandon. This is one of the most perplexing of classes and one that appears very frequently in antonym lists. Such words may be designated contrasted terms. We shall return to them later.
Источники вдохновения:
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Среднее образование

Academy for Learning Through the Arts Public Charter School США, Washington, D.C.

Высшее образование

University of Phoenix - Washington Campus, дата окончания: 1994
Факультет: Human Services
Статус: Кандидат наук, Заочное отделение
Россия, Киров

Работа и карьера

белый дом
1990 США, Washington, D.C.

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Собора Паша, Украина, Конотоп
Паша Собора
Украина, Конотоп, 26 лет

Справочная информация

Сайт не несет ответственность за достоверность и полноту представленной здесь информации, которая целиком и полностью получена из публичного открытого источника.

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Другие люди по имени «Барак»

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Барак Обама
Казахстан, Темиртау, 25 лет
Обама Барак, США, Philadelphia
Барак Обама
США, Philadelphia, 63 года
Обама Барак, США, Washington, D.C.
Барак Обама
США, Washington, D.C., 66 лет
Курмангазиев Барак, Казахстан, Каскелен
Барак Курмангазиев
Казахстан, Каскелен, 19 лет
Обама Барак, США, Washington, D.C.
Барак Обама
США, Washington, D.C., 63 года
Обама Барак, США, Washington, D.C.
Барак Обама
США, Washington, D.C., 63 года
Обама Барак, США, Honolulu
Барак Обама
США, Honolulu, 44 года
Набаме Барак, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Барак Набаме
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, 45 лет

Другие люди с фамилией «Обама»

Обама Барак, Казахстан, Темиртау
Барак Обама
Казахстан, Темиртау, 25 лет
Обама Барак, США, Philadelphia
Барак Обама
США, Philadelphia, 63 года
Обама Вадим, Украина, Чернигов
Вадим Обама
Украина, Чернигов
Обама Марианна, Беларусь, Минск
Марианна Обама
Беларусь, Минск, 25 лет
Обама Барак, США, Washington, D.C.
Барак Обама
США, Washington, D.C., 66 лет
Обама Барак, США, Washington, D.C.
Барак Обама
США, Washington, D.C., 63 года
Обама Барак, США, Washington, D.C.
Барак Обама
США, Washington, D.C., 63 года
Обама Барак, США, Honolulu
Барак Обама
США, Honolulu, 44 года