Scott Mccall

США, San Francisco, день рождения 10 декабря
Scott Mccall из города San Francisco, США. Родился 10 декабря в городе Beacon Hills, знак зодиака Стрелец. Семейное положение: женат. Биография Scott составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (73).

Основная информация

Страна: США
Город: San Francisco
Место рождения: Beacon Hills
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Дата рождения: 10 декабря
Знак зодиака: Стрелец
Семейное положение: состоит в браке
Супруга: Белла Каллен, родился/родилась 9 апреля

Место жительства


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О себе: Cast Protagonists Scott McCall (Tyler Posey) - 16 year-old student studying in secondary school. Became a werewolf when Alpha bit him in the woods. Working in veterinary clinic Mr. Deaton also coach Bobby Flinstok appointed him co-captain school lacrosse team with Jackson Whittemore. Initially rastsenivaya their abilities as curse, trying to find a cure for lycanthropy, but Derek deprives him of the chance to healing, killing Peter Hale. To the events of the second season, Scott gets used their forces and begins to use they willingly. Have a best friend Stiles Stilinski, in all its supports, and the beloved Allison Argent, whose relatives are hereditary hunters werewolves. In the third season becomes true Alpha. Allison Cnappi Argent (Crystal Reed) - 17-year-old schoolgirl, girl Scott McCall. Family Ellison already many centuries hunts werewolves. Fine archery. When Allison learned that Scott werewolf wanted to catch him, because her aunt Kate told her that all the werewolves - evil. However, when she learned the rule "We hunt for those who prey on us, " decided that her boyfriend - a werewolf. Between the first and second season of her father forbade them to meet, but they still power secretly violated the ban. In the twenty- the third series of the third season of dying from They sword. "Styles" Stilinski (Dylan O'Brien) - 16-year-old unpopular student, spare lacrosse player. His father - the sheriff, and his mother died when he was a child. Has an outstanding mind, first understand what is going on with Scott, when he became a werewolf. Scott McCall's best friend in the whole it helps. In episode 1 season «The Tell », in a conversation with the coach Finstokom, sheriff mentions that "Styles" is not real name. He also mentioned that Stiles named in honor of his grandfather (my mother's father). Derek Hale (Tyler Heklin) - werewolf from birth, almost the whole family died in a terrible fire, arranged Kate Argent for 6 years before the events of series. He had a sister Laura and Uncle Peter, they were the Alpha to it. Killed Peter Hale to become the Alpha. Scott helps to cope with the exacerbate the feelings in the first weeks after the treatment and teaches him control themselves. His relationship with Scott is a mixture friendship and enmity; although the Derek cares about Scott and his friends, their goals often opposed to one another. In the second season of the flock gathers itself in composed of Isaac Leahy, Vernon Boyd and Eric Reyes. Later it Scott joins the pack to stop the Canim. Lydia Martin (Holland Roden) - 16 summer popular pupil. For a long time met with Jackson Whittemore. One of the best students of the school, capable of make a Molotov cocktail from the fact that is in the office of chemistry. Often moody and demanding, but in fact it vulnerable and kind. Became Banshee thanks to its forces not once helped friends in difficult situations. Alexander Jackson Whittemore (Colton Haines) - 16-year-old popular student, co-captain of the team for lacrosse. Foster child Whittemore. For a long time met with Lydia Martin, but then threw it to bond with Allison and thus get to Scott. Revealed the secret Scott and demanded that he found means to make him a werewolf. Best friend Danny. In the second season becomes Cane - werewolf-lizard. Killing humans, but he did not remembers. As it turned out, it Matt controlled. At the end of the second Derek season and resurrected Peter healed him, after which he became ordinary Omega-werewolf. Between events of the second and third seasons w
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Владение языками: Русский, English

Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды:
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Религия и мировоззрение:
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Отношение к алкоголю: негативное
Отношение к курению: негативное
Главное в людях: смелость и упорство
Главное в жизни: совершенствование мира
Любимые цитаты:
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Источники вдохновения:
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Среднее образование

Boston Academy of English США, Boston

Высшее образование

Bridgewater State University, дата окончания: 1992
Факультет: Ricciardi College of Business
США, Boston

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Лис Данил, Россия
Данил Лис
Огейчук Михаил, Беларусь, Пинск
Михаил Огейчук
Беларусь, Пинск
Родичев Роман, Россия, Великие Луки
Роман Родичев
Россия, Великие Луки, 25 лет
Stilinski Lidia, США, Beacon Hills
Lidia Stilinski
США, Beacon Hills
Winston Wade, США, New York City
Wade Winston
США, New York City, 48 лет
Machiavelli Niccolò, Россия, Хабаровск
Niccolò Machiavelli
Россия, Хабаровск
Багирова Арина, Россия, Чебоксары
Арина Багирова
Россия, Чебоксары
Волкова Виктория, Россия, Москва
Виктория Волкова
Россия, Москва, 27 лет
Измайлова Мария, США, Grand Forks
Мария Измайлова
США, Grand Forks
Петрова Мария, Россия, Москва
Мария Петрова
Россия, Москва
Lahey Isaac, Великобритания, London
Isaac Lahey
Великобритания, London
Беккер Екатерина, Россия
Екатерина Беккер
Россия, 28 лет
Квит Катя, Беларусь
Катя Квит
Murs Angelina, Россия, Москва
Angelina Murs
Россия, Москва
Петрова Елена, США, New York City
Елена Петрова
США, New York City
Громова Ника, США, New York City
Ника Громова
США, New York City
У Scott Mccall также имеются еще 53 других контакта в социальных сетях.
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Olson Scott, США, Saint Paul
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США, Saint Paul
Travis Scott, США, Chicago
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Senter Scott, Россия, Москва
Scott Senter
Россия, Москва, 17 лет
Cawthon Scott, США, Houston
Scott Cawthon
США, Houston, 46 лет
Towell Scott, Канада, Montréal
Scott Towell
Канада, Montréal, 25 лет
Cawthon Scott, США, Houston
Scott Cawthon
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Julianne Mccall
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Tyler Mccall
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Франция, Strasbourg, 34 года
Mccall Scott, США, Beacon Hills
Scott Mccall
США, Beacon Hills, 123 года
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Mccall Scott, США, Beacon Hills
Scott Mccall
США, Beacon Hills