Beyonce Knowles

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О себе: Glory Beauty Beyonce brought participation in female group Destiny's Child, and acting solo star has reached even greater heights, having already won 13 awards "Grammy." In late 2009, Billboard announced Knowles the most successful female singer of the 2000s and the main radio performer of the decade. ... read more In primary school the girl attended dance classes. Her vocal talents have found when dance instructor began humming as she finished the song to obtaining high notes. Interest in music and speeches began after it with the song Imagine by John Lennon won the competition of talents. Later, Beyonce went to school with a focus on music and was a soloist in the choir in a united Methodist Church of St. John. At 8 years old girl with girlfriend Kelly Rowland took away the group Girl's Tyme, where they performed a rap and dance. To manage the group, Knowles father quit his job and devote my time to the establishment of "curriculum" for training. This act reduced Knowles family income in half, and parents were forced roz'yihatysya. Repetyruyuchy in my mother's hairdresser and backyards, the group continued to perform the opening act, and my mother helped with the creation of costumes. In 1996 the family was reunited again, and, by coincidence, the girls signed a contract with Columbia Records. Renamed to Destiny's Child, they recorded their debut Home Killing Time song to the soundtrack for the film "Men in Black." Song Say My Name from the multi-album The Writing's on the Wall has become the most successful groups of all time. Later, the soundtrack for the film "Charlie Angels". However, after the release holiday album 8 Days of Christmas team has announced a break to do solo projects. In early 2001, when Destiny's Child finished with Survivor, Knowles co-starred in the title role in the movie channel MTV «Carmen: Hip-hopper." And in 2002 fulfilled a major role in "Austin Powers-Holdmember", recorded his first solo single for the soundtrack to the film Then Beyonce career is just ascending. Their debut album Dangerously in Love was sold out 4.7 million copies in the U.S.. A single Crazy in Love with rapper Jay-Z stayed in the Billboard Hot 100 8 consecutive weeks. Already in 2004, Knowles won the "Grammy" for solo achievement. This is not surprising, because it has a vocal range of 3.5 octaves, it is always identified with "the heart» Destiny's Child. After three years of solo projects singer joined with Roland and Williams for Destiny Fulfilled, released in 2004, and went to the world tour. Later, they found women's group, the most sold. Then go quickly solo albums B'Day and I Am ... Sasha Fierce. Although the movie beauty is cast, starring as a blues singer ETI James in the film-biography and received praise from critics. On the 52nd ceremony "Grammy" Beyoncé has won six awards in one night - a record for the artist. In March 2010, single, Lady Gaga Telephone, with Knowles, climbed to the top chart Pop Songs, becoming the sixth for the singer hit number one in the charts. In addition to singing and movie Beyonce and her mother introduced House of Deréon, contemporary women's fashion line, named after her grandmother Agnes Dereon Knowles, who was a seamstress. In early 2008 they even started Beyonc Fashion Diva, a mobile online game. As a model she worked with Beyonce 'Pepsi », L'Oréal. In 2010 released the first perfume Heat. In addition, co-star was most entries, which was involved, especially during solo work. Honored the singer was to perform at Lincoln Memorial Festival in honor of the inauguration of Barack Obama during the first dance of President and First Lady. Knowles also participated in events supporting victims of the earthquake in Haiti and other charitable activities. Since 2002 in the beautiful ensued relationship
Деятельность: singer, music producer, actress, dancer, model, perfumer, designer, philanthropist
Владение языками: English

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Любимые цитаты: Beysone was the only representative of show business, which devoted a university course. As pointed Metro, formerly Georgetown University in Washington has developed a course devoted husband Beyonce, rapper Jay-Z.
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Среднее образование

Boston Community Leadership Academy США, Boston

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Кушнарева Ольга, Россия, Бердск
Ольга Кушнарева
Россия, Бердск

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Beyonce Knowles
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Beyonce Knowles
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США, 37 лет

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Швейцария, Bern