Claire Holt

Страна и город проживания Claire Holt не определены. Родной город - Brisbane. Семейное положение: не замужем. Биография Claire составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (1).

Основная информация

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Город: Brisbane
Место рождения: Brisbane
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Дата рождения:
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Знак зодиака:
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Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не замужем

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

Музыка: Avril Of lavin, Sergey Lazarev, Rihana, [Vintazh], Morandi, Kate Alexa, still much what! do not have favourite album. I love various types of music, depending on in what mood I am
Фильмы: My favorite film Little Miss Sunshine )
ТВ передачи: I rarely watch television..)
Игры: I am no longer in the vozvraste to play ..)
Книги: only one, ' To kill the Mocker '. It is really old classics and I love histories and lessons about it., _____________________ _________________ ________ ___ _ _ __ ____ ________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ ______________________ ________________________ ___________________________ _____________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________
Интересы: Shooting, sport: swimming, volleyball..and I love to sing.. In my spare time I love to shop.. I love spending time with family and friends .. I love to travel ..)
О себе: Clear greatly loves the sport: has black belt on Tai-Kwon-Do, prefers floating, volleyball and aqueous sex. Also it loves to sing. at one time it sang in the polecat, and also to play on the piano and the guitar. In the free time it loves to walk on the stores. These are its first role, but not the first surveys before the camera. Earlier it was removed in the small advertizing companies. When they asked clear about further plans, she said that he wants to obtain degree at the university. The additional information: Clair not novice in the aqueous sport and to its pleasure by it was reached the role of champion for the floating (and mermaid) Emma Gilbert. To loaf - this not that, to what [posvyashchayaet] his time Clair, if one considers that in it black belt on [tay]-[kvan]- to, furthermore it loves floating, [volleybol] and participates in the competitions in [volleybolu]. Talented and merry Clair loves not only sport. And when it is free it loves to play on the guitar and [fortepiano], and so to sing. H2O - first role Clair in the series, but for the not first time, when it participates in the surveys. It was removed for the advertisement of rescuers and park of the entertainments “Of dreamworld”. It also participated in the school theater and in the particular order in order to become better. When in Clair there is free time, it loves to walk on the stores or in the cinema with the friends. Clair it finished school at the end 2005 (in Australia studies and vacation in other months). She indicates on its plans for the future that he wants to enter into the university, but it thus far by it greatly pleases to play and to be the mermaid. 1. the name: Emma 2. the surname: Gilbert 3. the age: 16 4. the biography: Emma lives at the health resort gold coast together with the parents and its junior brother Elliott. She always loved water and walked into the pond. Girl always won diverse medals and it was best in her group and on the competitions. Emma learned in one of the schools of gold coast together with its friend [Klio], they were inseparable from the childhood. But then to them entered Ricky's new and then all went [naperekosyak]. Emma, Ricky and [Klio] left for the island of poppies, they became others, found magic forces, they became inseparable, one wholes, them connected general secret. the life of girls it became similar to one large adventure. Indeed they - mermaid. Then for Emma it was necessary to survive large vital loss, namely - to throw its quarry- sport, indeed with the contact with the water it becomes mermaid… 5. the nature: Emma correct, always acts according to her principles. She valid, swift, he always attains its purpose. It merry and diverse. Emma is capable of accomplishing mad behavior, but to the extent of entire possible and following her rules. 6. the ability of the mermaid: Is cooled water to the state of ice, in the second season it is capable of freezing any objects and of governing weather. One year, is long time in Hollywood. In the past year Australian dramatic actress Clair [Kholt], became famous after role mermaid Emma Gilbert in the television show of the television channel “Of ten” OF H2O: Just Of add Of water - her first work in the cinema. You will pass forward 12 month and in the former student “Of stuartholme Of girls' Of school”, whereas already are a role in Sam [Reymi].[Gollivudskie]'s [khorrore] critics was estimated 20-year actress as “the girl, to whom it is worthwhile to look”. “These were surprising several months, said [Kholt].[Ya] it went in the USA at the beginning of year it knew how to meet correct people, everything ended by the fact that I fell into the film, [prosdyussirovannyy] by Sam [Reymi] (envoys 2: Effigy), which [okryl] to me many doors presented me to some surprising and influential people.”
Деятельность: I learn in the school and so heavy work, school, lessons, work!Several words from admina:Clear greatly loves the sport: has black belt on Tai-Kwon-Do, prefers floating, volleyball and aqueous sex., Also it loves to sing. at one time it sang in the polecat, and also to play on the piano and the guitar. In the free time it loves to walk on the stores., These are its first role, but not the first surveys before the camera. Earlier it was removed in the small advertizing companies., When they asked clear about further plans, she said that he wants to obtain degree at the university., The additional information:, Clair not novice in the aqueous sport and to its pleasure by it was reached the role of champion for the floating (and mermaid) Emma Gilbert., To loaf - this not that, to what [posvyashchayaet] his time Clair, if one considers that in it black belt on [tay]-[kvan]- to, furthermore it loves floating, [volleybol] and participates in the competitions in [volleybolu]., Talented and merry Clair loves not only sport. And when it is free it loves to play on the guitar and [fortepiano], and so to sing., H2O - first role Clair in the series, but for the not first time, when it participates in the surveys. It was removed for the advertisement of rescuers and park of the entertainments “Of dreamworld”. It also participated in the school theater and in the particular order in order to become better., When in Clair there is free time, it loves to walk on the stores or in the cinema with the friends., Clair it finished school at the end 2005 (in Australia studies and vacation in other months). She indicates on its plans for the future that he wants to enter into the university, but it thus far by it greatly pleases to play and to be mermaid
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Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: умеренные
Религия и мировоззрение:
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Отношение к алкоголю:
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Отношение к курению:
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Главное в жизни:
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Любимые цитаты: Blond this state of soul, enviers would say - diagnosis. And indeed we only and difference from remaining humanity, in the content of [feomelanina] - bright pigment in the structure of hair. But so many gossips around this brightness…
Источники вдохновения:
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Среднее образование

Country High School Австралия, Brisbane

Высшее образование

CPA Australia, дата окончания: не указана Австралия, Brisbane

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

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Rouge Claire, Россия, Москва
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Claire Holt
США, Los Angeles, 36 лет
Holt Drake, США, Milwaukee
Drake Holt
США, Milwaukee
Holt Grace, Италия, Venezia
Grace Holt
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Holt Hayley, Россия, Волгоград
Hayley Holt
Россия, Волгоград
Holt Katie, США, Oregon City
Katie Holt
США, Oregon City
Holt Claire, США, Brisben
Claire Holt
США, Brisben, 36 лет