Barry Hammock

США, Los Angeles, день рождения 8 мая
Barry Hammock из города Los Angeles, США. Родился 8 мая в городе Danville, знак зодиака Телец. Семейное положение: не женат. Биография Barry составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (86).

Основная информация

Страна: США
Город: Los Angeles
Место рождения: Danville
скрыто или нет данных
Дата рождения: 8 мая
Знак зодиака: Телец
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

Музыка: A variety of interests from classical to classic rock to pop.
Фильмы: Anything from anime to war films.
ТВ передачи: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Daria, Hannibal, Penny Dreadful, etc...
Игры: Final Fantasy X-2 is my favorite game of all time.
Книги: I have an eclectic collection.
Интересы: Reading, writing, long walks, eating Chinese food, and living my life in a manner pleasing to God.
О себе: "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!" Sir Ian McKellen as Richard III I am who I am, and I can be no- thing I do not try to be. Be- ing myself takes up most of my effort. Treat me with respect & I shall do the same with you. Thats just how I do, peoples. I am selfish, private, & easily bored. I have a short attention span & very little patience. (Pretty butter- fly...) It takes a lot to keep my inte- rest. I believe in the possibili- ties of all things. Im loyal to my friends & cruel to my enemies. Family is important to me. Mess with them & you will feel my wrath. The first girl I ever had a crush on was Barbie, & Im not afraid to admit it. Life, to me, is a journey, a quest of discovery to find oneself & ones place in the world. Life is always a learning experi- ance. The more you know, the better off you are. That is why I read, even though rea- ding is a lost art form in this day & age, to much dismay. No matter... May we enjoy the pleasant times & endure the difficult hardships life has to offer us with humility & grace. (Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.) I raise my glass to you and say, "Cheers."
Деятельность: Writer, Collector, and Seller of Books
Владение языками: English, Русский, Français, Lingua Latina

Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: либеральные
Религия и мировоззрение: Catholicism
Отношение к алкоголю: положительное
Отношение к курению: компромиссное
Главное в людях: ум и креативность
Главное в жизни: саморазвитие
Любимые цитаты: "sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc" Addams Family Motto "A good man does not need any rules, and now is not the time to find out why to find out why I have so many." The Doctor, Timelord "The spear is in the Other's heart is the spear in your own: you are he. There is no other wisdom, and no other hope for us but that we grow wise." Surak, Vulcan philosopher, scientist, and logician "Strange thing to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it means to be a slave." Roy Batty, Soldier "The pen is mightier than the sword." George Gordon, Sixth Lord Byron, Poet and Soldier "Who is John Galt?" Ayn Rand, Author "Money never sleeps." Gordon Gekko, Tycoon "Revenge is a dish best served cold." Old Klingon Proverb "A man should feel proud of his creations. It is the creative urge that elevates us, no?" Victor Helios, Inventer ""You see Richards you don't need a think tank you just need a thinker one thinker will do it if she's using all she's got..." Rhona Burchill, the Mad Thinker "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of my mind to remember things from one day to the next." Maureen Birnbaum, Adventurer "All I can do is the best I can." Drew Barrymore, Actress, Director, and Author "I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments... will be lost in time, like tears... in... rain. Time... to die..." Roy Batty, Soldier "Things can always get worse." Humphrey Bogart, Actor "There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept." The Architect, Creator of the Matrix "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me." Al Capone, Gangster and Businessman "I am not a crook." Richard Nixon, President "If it's mad to think the unthinkable then I'm the maddest thinker there ever was." Rhona Burchill, the Mad Thinker "Revolutionaries always spoil corrupt political systems." Ralph Nader, Politician and Activist "ITS CLOBBERIN' TIME!!!!" Ben Grimm, the Thing "Only Nixon could go to China." Old Vulcan Proverb "Come, Watson. Come. The game's afoot." Sherlock Holmes, Detective "War is hell." William Tecumseh Sherman, General "Kill off the goddamn cowards and we'll have a nation of brave men." George S. Patton, General "I can kill you whenever I please, but not today." C.G.B. Spender, Classified "Remember: keep the right wing strong." Alfred von Schlieffen, Military Strategist "Carpe fuckin diem." Sasha Grey, Actress and Author "In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." Andy Warhol, Artist and Superstar "Another day, another blow job." Anonymous, Drug User "Fuck this and fuck that..." The Sex Pistols, Rock Band "The War is ceaseless. The most we can hope for are occasional moments of tranquility in the midst of conflict." Lobkowitz, Soldier "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness" Allen Ginsberg, Poet "Try never to get drunk outside yr own house" Jack Kerouac, Author "Long live the empire." Old Roman Salute "Any place is Hell that is not Heaven." Christopher Marlowe, Playwright, Poet, and Secret Agent "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." William Shakespeare, Playwright and Poet
Источники вдохновения: God

Среднее образование

Los Angeles City College (LACC)
начало обучения с 2019г.  -  выпуск 2021г.
США, Los Angeles

Высшее образование

American National University (Danville Campus), дата окончания: 2015
Статус: Выпускник (бакалавр), Очное отделение
США, Los Angeles

Работа и карьера

BKHammo Books
2018 США, Los Angeles

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Типичный Хэндмейкер, Россия, Томск
Хэндмейкер Типичный
Россия, Томск, 39 лет
Саломахина Людмила, Россия, Донецк
Людмила Саломахина
Россия, Донецк, 61 год
Μиронов Игорь, Россия, Луганск
Игорь Μиронов
Россия, Луганск, 24 года
Голева Алина, Россия, Москва
Алина Голева
Россия, Москва
Массаж Марина, Россия, Донецк
Марина Массаж
Россия, Донецк
Денисов Денис, Россия, Донецк
Денис Денисов
Россия, Донецк
Черуха Лилия, Россия, Донецк
Лилия Черуха
Россия, Донецк
Капитонов Станислав, Россия, Донецк
Станислав Капитонов
Россия, Донецк
Байдак Наташа, Украина
Наташа Байдак
Вертикова Инна, Россия, Донецк
Инна Вертикова
Россия, Донецк
Бондаренко Татьяна, Россия, Донецк
Татьяна Бондаренко
Россия, Донецк

Справочная информация

Сайт не несет ответственность за достоверность и полноту представленной здесь информации, которая целиком и полностью получена из публичного открытого источника.

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